Last updated December 26, 2008


Type IV JDBC Driver for Teradata

Version 8.01

Please note: TdRedux has been end-of-lifed as of Jan. 1, 2007. The information on this page is provided for existing customers' reference. If you have an interest in using TdRedux, please contact Presicient sales.


TdRedux is a Type IV JDBC driver for Teradata. Type IV drivers are pure Java, direct connection drivers. No "bridges", "gateways", or JNI adaptors are required.

TdRedux includes support for fastload, fastexport, multiload, PM/API (MONITOR), and Remote Console.

JDBC 2.0 Optional Classes

TdRedux supports the following javax.sql optional classes:

  • DataSource
  • ConnectionPoolDataSource
  • PooledConnection
  • ConnectionEvent
  • ConnectionEventListener

The DataSource and ConnectionPoolDataSource can be configured with the following properties:

Property Required ? Description
user Yes username to logon with
password Yes password to logon with
account No account to logon with
serverName Yes name or IP address of server to logon to
port No TCP/IP port number to connect to; default 1025
databaseName No name of database to logon to
partition No partition to use for session; currently, only "DBC/SQL" is supported, and is the default
sessmode No type of session to logon, either "ANSI", "TERADATA", or "DEFAULT"
buffersize No size of response buffer in kilobytes, must be between 1 and 64
debug No enables debug level logging; either an empty string to log to the default logWriter, or the name of a file to use for logging
query_timeout No global query timeout limit in seconds; default is none
metaData No sets scope of info returned by DatabaseMetaData, either full or restricted (the default)

Support for IBM WebSphere™ Servers

As of release 1.20, significant testing with WebSphere 4.0 and 5.1 has been performed. Refer to this page for information on setting up and using TdRedux with WebSphere.


The following major capabilities are currently not supported:

  • Reconnection
  • UNICODE character sets
  • quoted identifiers
  • New Teradata V2R5.1 features:
    • LOBs
    • UDF creation
  • New Teradata V2R6.0 features:
    • External stored procedure creation
    • large response messages
    • bulk SQL data operations
    • minor PM/API enhancements
Support for most of these is planned for future releases.

Multi-threaded applications should avoid sharing Connection objects across multiple threads (i.e., multiple threads shouldn't access the same ResultSet at the same time.), with the exception of one thread issuing a cancel() on another thread. Each Connection object encapsulates an I/O object which handles most protocol details between the client and DBMS, and is shared by the other standard classes (Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, DatabaseMetaData, ResultSet, etc.). While this I/O object acts as a mutex to keep multiple threads from disrupting protocol sequences, it is still possible for multiple threads to disturb each other's view of pending result sets.

Both USING clauses and placeholder ('?') parameters are supported; however, they cannot be mixed in the same statement. The exceptions are

  • Only USING clauses should be used with utility sessions (FASTLOAD, MLOAD, EXPORT, MONITOR)
  • Only placeholders should be used with CallableStatements (CALL()'s)
Placeholders will be treated as VARCHAR(16) during prepareStatement() or prepareCall(), but will be instantiated with whatever type is supplied when parameters are bound by either the setXXX(), or the tdrdxBindXXXArray() methods.

Unimplemented Methods

The following JDBC 2.0 standard methods will throw a NotImplemented exception; most of these methods are unimplmented due to:
  • unsupported data types (BLOBs, CLOBs, SQL ARRAY, etc.)
  • bidirectional cursors required
  • unsupported database capability (e.g., refreshing cursor rows from source table/view)
  • rarely (never?) used functionality; low/no priority
Class Method
PreparedStatement setCharacterStream()
ResultSet getCharacterStream()
PreparedStatement addBatch()
PreparedStatement setRef()
PreparedStatement setBlob()
PreparedStatement setClob()
PreparedStatement setArray()
ResultSet getRef()
ResultSet getBlob()
ResultSet getClob()
ResultSet getArray()
DatabaseMetaData getVersionColumns()
DatabaseMetaData getBestRowIdentifier()
ResultSet rowUpdated()
ResultSet rowInserted()
ResultSet rowDeleted()
ResultSet refreshRow()
ResultSet prev()
Connection setTypeMap()
DatabaseMetaData getUDTs()
ResultSet getObject()
ResultSetMetaData getColumnClassName()

Driver Specific Extensions

The following methods have been provided to

  • support summarized results
  • simplify input/output of Teradata import/export file format records
  • optimize performance for bulk operations
  • support other convenient functionality
Class Method Description
ResultSet boolean tdrdxIsSummaryRow() indicates whether the current result row is a summary row
ResultSet int tdrdxGetSummaryRowNumber() returns the current summary row number; zero indicates a non-summary row
ResultSetMetaData boolean tdrdxHasSummaryRows() indicates if the ResultSet has summary columns
ResultSetMetaData int tdrdxGetAlignmentColumn(int column) returns the index of the non-summary column to which the specified summary column should be aligned (for display purposes)
ResultSetMetaData boolean tdrdxIsSummaryColumn(int column) indicates if the specified column is a summary column
ResultSetMetaData boolean tdrdxIsSummaryColumn(String columnname) indicates if the named column is a summary column
ResultSetMetaData int tdrdxGetFirstSummaryColumn(int rownum) returns the index of the first summary column for the specified summary row number
ResultSetMetaData int tdrdxGetSummaryColumnCount(int rownum) returns the number of summary columns in the specified summary row
ResultSetMetaData int tdrdxGetSummaryRowCount() returns the number of summary rows defined by the ResultSet
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindByteArray(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) binds a byte array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindByteArray(int parameterIndex, Byte[] x) binds a Byte object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindShortArray(int parameterIndex, short[] x) binds a short array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindShortArray(int parameterIndex, Short[] x) binds a Short object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindIntArray(int parameterIndex, int[] x) binds a int array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindIntArray(int parameterIndex, Integer[] x) binds a Integer object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindDoubleArray(int parameterIndex, double[] x) binds a double array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindDoubleArray(int parameterIndex, Double[] x) binds a Double object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindBigDecimalArray(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal[] X) binds a BigDecimal object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindStringArray(int parameterIndex, String[] X) binds a String object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindDateArray(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date[] X) binds a Date object array to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindTimeArray(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Time[] X) binds an array of java.sql.Time object to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindTimestampArray(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Timestamp[] X) binds an array of java.sql.Timestamp object to the specified parameter
PreparedStatement void tdrdxBindBinaryArray(int parameterIndex, byte[][] X) binds an array of byte arrays to the specified parameter (for BINARY and VARBINARY, as well as raw tuple, input)
ResultSet void tdrdxBindByteArray(int columnIndex, Byte[] x) binds a Byte object array to the specified column; when the next() method is called, the array will be filled to either its capacity or the number of rows remaining in the I/O buffer
ResultSet void tdrdxBindShortArray(int columnIndex, Short[] x) binds a Short object array to the specified column
ResultSet void tdrdxBindIntArray(int columnIndex, Integer[] x) binds a Integer object array to the specified column
ResultSet void tdrdxBindDoubleArray(int columnIndex, Double[] x) binds a Double object array to the specified column
ResultSet void tdrdxBindDateArray(int columnIndex, java.sql.Date[] x) binds a Date object array to the specified column
ResultSet void tdrdxBindBigDecimalArray(int columnIndex, BigDecimal[] X) binds a BigDecimal object array to the specified column
ResultSet void tdrdxBindStringArray(int columnIndex, String[] X) binds a String object array to the specified column
ResultSet void tdrdxBindBinaryArray(int columnIndex, byte[][] X) binds an array of byte arrays to the specified column
ResultSet int tdrdxGetRowsFetched() returns the number of rows fetched into the bound arrays when array binding has been used
Connection String tdrdxGetURL() Returns the URL used to create the Connection
Connection String tdrdxGetUser() Returns the logon user string
Connection String tdrdxGetPassword() Returns the logon password string
Connection String tdrdxGetAccount() Returns the logon account string
Connection String tdrdxGetPartition() Returns the logon partition string
Connection int tdrdxGetLSN() returns the session LSN
Connection String tdrdxGetServerVersion() returns the DBMS version string
Connection int tdrdxGetSessionNo() returns the Connection's session number
Connection void tdrdxDisableLogging() disables input/output parcel stream logging
Connection void tdrdxEnableLogging() enables input/output parcel stream logging
Connection short tdrdxGetHostID() returns the host id for the connection
Driver String tdrdxHost() returns the logon hostname
Driver int tdrdxPort() returns the logon port number
Driver String tdrdxDatabase() returns the logon databasename
Driver String tdrdxProperty(String Name) returns the specified property as parsed from the Connection URL
ResultSet byte[] tdrdxGetRawRow() returns the current row as a single array of bytes; the first 2 bytes are the length of the row, and the last byte is a newline character (raw mode)
ResultSet void tdrdxCopyMetaData(com.presicient.tdredux.ResultSetMetaData rsmd) establishes a reference to the specified ResultSetMetaData with the called ResultSet object (used only for EXPORT sessions!)
ResultSet void tdrdxSetBooleanMap(int trueValue) establishes an Integer value to be interpretted as 'true' for ResultSet.getBoolean()
ResultSet void tdrdxSetBooleanMap(String trueValue) establishes a String value to be interpretted as 'true' for ResultSet.getBoolean()
ResultSetMetaData String tdrdxGetFormat(int column) returns the format descriptor as returned by the DBMS
ResultSetMetaData boolean tdrdxConsolePrompt() (for Remote Console only) reports whether DBMS requires input (i.e., included a PROMPT parcel)
ResultSetMetaData long tdrdxGetRowCount() throws SQLException returns the number of rows in the ResultSet (as returned by the SUCCESS or OK parcel)
ResultSetMetaData String tdrdxGetActivity() throws SQLException returns the name of the ResultSet's activity type (as returned by the SUCCESS or OK parcel)
Statement void tdrdxSetKeepResp(boolean t) causes requests issued to the DBMS to use the KEEPRESP parcel; used for the control session of a FASTEXPORT application, or to keep a read-only cursor open across transaction boundaries.
Statement void tdrdxSetSPLPrint(boolean enable) enables/disables the PRINT statements in stored procedures created with the Statement object
Statement boolean tdrdxGetSPLPrint() reports current enable/disable state of PRINT statements in stored procedures created with the Statement object
Statement void tdrdxSetSPLSave(boolean enable) enables/disables saving stored procedure text for procedures created with the Statement object
Statement boolean tdrdxGetSPLSave() reports current enable/disable state of stored procedure text saving for the Statement object
Statement void tdrdxSetProperty(String prop, String val) throws SQLException sets a property on a Statement; currently only "Formatted" is supported (see Formatted Results)
Statement void tdrdxRemoveProperty(String prop) remove a property on a Statement
Statement String tdrdxGetProperty(String prop) returns the current value of a property on a Statement
Statement boolean tdrdxTestProperty(String prop) tests the current value of a property on a Statement to be any of "TRUE", "YES", or "1" (case-insensitive)

Array Binding

At present, the JDBC 2.0 standard does not provide optimizations for bulk data movement. (Note: the Batch Execution interface provides some support, however, the code pathlength required to individually bind each parameter for each statement nullifies much of the benefit of such an interface). This ommission may create a serious performance impediment for purely standards-compliant JDBC applications in terabyte datawarehouse environments. To remedy the situation, I've added some array binding methods as outlined above.

For bulk export via either a regular SQL SELECT statement, or a set of EXPORT sessions, the application can create arrays of any of the primitive types (as specified above) and bind them to the ResultSet object returned by either PreparedStatement.execute() or Statement.executeQuery(). Note the following rules:

  • all bound arrays must be the same length, or an exception will be raised.
  • mixing array bound processing and non-array bound processing on the same ResultSet object is likely to return unexpected results
  • when using tdrdxBindBinaryArray(), a special columnIndex value of zero indicates the application wants entire rows returned in Teradata import/export file format, i.e., raw binary prefixed by a 2 byte length, and with a newline appended.
  • the degenerate case of binding single element arrays is equivalent to the single variable binding common to other Database access APIs (e.g., ODBC, Perl DBI).
An example:
// export a complete table in raw mode
try {
com.presicient.tdredux.PreparedStatement pstmt =
(com.presicient.tdredux.PreparedStatement)conn.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable");
com.presicient.tdredux.ResultSet rs =
byte rows[][] = new byte[100];
rs.tdrdxBindBinaryArray(0, rows);
int rows_rcvd = 0;
while ( {
rows_rcvd = rs.tdrdxGetRowsFetched();
// proceed to write out the rows
for (int i = 0; i < rows_rcvd; i++)
catch (SQLException SQLE) {...}

For bulk import to the DBMS, arrays may be bound to parameters using the PreparedStatement methods described above. At present, only SQL and FASTLOAD sessions can exploit this interface, though a future release will provide support for repeated execution. Note the following:

  • all bound arrays must be the same length, or an exception will be raised.
  • mixing array bound processing and non-array bound processing on the same PreparedStatement object is likely to cause unexpected results
  • Similar to the bulk export operations, a parameterIndex of zero indicates an entire parameter tuple is being bound, in which case only the tdrdxBindBinaryArray() is allowed
  • the degenerate case of binding single element arrays is equivalent to the single variable parameter binding common to other Database access APIs (e.g., ODBC, Perl DBI).
  • for FASTLOAD sessions, PreparedStatement.execute() will cause the bound array data to be bundled into a single request message and sent to the DBMS. If the array size(s) exceed the maximum message length, an SQLException is thrown indicating the array sizes must be reduced, and the data is not sent.
  • for SQL sessions, each PreparedStatement.execute() or executeUpdate() call will use a single tuple of data from the bound arrays, and advance an internal "current tuple" index (Eventually, this behavior may be modified to iteratively execute() internally until all the parameter tuples are consumed).

An example:

// import a complete table in raw mode
try {
com.presicient.tdredux.PreparedStatement pstmt =
conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?");
byte rows[][] = new byte[100][];
pstmt.tdrdxBindBinaryArray(0, rows);
while (// data remains to load ) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int len = importfile.readunsignedShort();
rows[i] =;
importfile.skipBytes(1); // skip newline
// ...load data into the rows array...
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
catch (SQLException SQLE) {...}

Summarized SELECT ResultSets

A set of methods has been provided to support the OLAP functions available via the SELECT...WITH... statement. When a ResultSet contains summary information, additional columns are defined, along with a set of "summary row" indexes, corresponding to each WITH clause in theSELECT statement; as a convenience, summary row 0 is used to indicate the non-summary row to all the relevant ResultSet and ResultSetMetaData methods.ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxHasSummaryRows() can be called to determine if a ResultSet includes summary data. An application determines that the current ResultSet row is a summary row by callingResultSet.tdrdxIsSummaryRow(). Since a SELECT can have multiple WITH clauses, the application callsResultSet.tdrdxGetSummaryRowNumber() to determine which summary row is currently available; if not on a summary row, zero is returned.ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxIsSummaryColumn(int column) orResultSetMetaData.tdrdxIsSummaryColumn(String columnname) can be called to determine if a specified column is part of a summarized row; this can be useful for determining when to stop reading column values if the ResultSet currently holds a non-summary row. An application manipulates the summary data by:
  1. calling ResultSet.tdrdxGetSummaryRowNumber() to determine the current summary row; a return value of 0 indicates the non-summary row, but summary and non-summary rows can be processed in nearly the same way.
  2. calling ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxGetFirstSummaryColumn(summary_row_number) to determine the starting column index of the current summary row.
  3. calling ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxGetSummaryColumnCount(summary_row_number) to determine the number of columns in the current summary row.
  4. iteratively calling ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxGetAlignmentColumn(column_number) for each column in the current summary row to determine the index of the non-summary row column with which the specified summary row column should be aligned; -1 is returned if the specified column is a non-summary row column.
Refer to the example in the EXAMPLES section below for better illustration of using the summary data ResultSet and ResultSetMetaData methods.

Formatted Results

As of release 1.40, TdRedux supports returning results in Teradata formatted form (ala BTEQ report), using the FMREQUEST parcel instead of the usual REQUEST/INDICREQUEST parcel, to send the SQL request to the database.

To enable a formatted ResultSet:

  1. Before executing a Statement/PreparedStatement/CallableStatement, set the "Formatted" statement property via
    stmt.tdrdxSetProperty("Formatted", "True");
    (these values are case-insensitive, and the value may be any of "True", "Yes", or "1")
  2. after execution, all fields must be retrieved using the ResultSet.getString() method.
  3. To disable formatted ResultSets, either call Statement.tdrdxRemoveProperty("Formatted"), or Statement.tdrdxSetProperty("Formatted", "False") ( or any other String other than "True", "Yes", or "1").
  4. Note that, once a formatted Statement object has been execute()'d, disabling the "Formatted" property will have no effect until the next Statement execute(). Likewise, setting the "Formatted" property will have no effect on a current ResultSet until the next execute()
  5. Formatted ResultSets are only supported on DBC/SQL partitions.
  6. The current state of the formatted property can be tested by calling the boolean method Statement.tdrdxTestProperty("Formatted"), or by retrieving the current String value of the property via Statement.tdrdxGetProperty("Formatted").

Note that formatted ResultSets report all fields as TYPE_VARCHAR in the ResultSetMetaData; any attempt to retrieve a field using other than getString() will cause a SQLExceptionto be thrown.


Currently there is no formal install packaging. For Windows systems, simply unZIP the ZIP package to a directory of your choosing; for UNIX systems, gunzip/untar to a directory of your choosing. Then add the TdRedux.jar file - including the complete directory path - to your CLASSPATH environment variable or the "-classpath" argument on your "java" commandline. E.g.,
CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/local/jars/TdRedux.jar;export CLASSPATH    [ for UNIX ]

set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\TdRedux\TdRedux.jar [ for Windows ]

Testing the Installation

The release package includes a test application, TdRdxTest, which runs through a battery of tests, including
  • ANSI vs. Teradata mode
  • stored procedures (if the DBMS supports them)
  • multiple open requests, including updatable cursors
  • multithreaded FASTLOAD
  • multithreaded MLOAD
  • multithreaded FASTEXPORT
  • large SQL (V2R5 only)
Both source and class files are included; building the application from the source is recommended to test your installation:

To run TdRdxTest you'll need a Teradata user account capable of CREATE'ing and DROP'ing tables and stored procedures, executing INSERTs, DELETEs and SELECTs against them, referencing system data dictionary views, as well as running FASTLOADs, MULTILOADs, and FASTEXPORTs. Only a small amount of database space is required, a max of 10,000 rows (about 100 bytes each) is loaded by a max of 2 FASTLOAD sessions. An additional userid is used to test the MONITOR API; this user needs all the various privileges required to SET SESSION RATE, SET RESOURCE RATE, and MONITOR xxx. If this additional user is omitted, then the MONITOR tests will be bypassed.

The actual commandline is:

java TdRdxTest <hostname> <general-user-id> <general-user-password> [<monitor-user-id> <monitor-user-password>]


java TdRdxTest dbc darnold sde356yu dbc dbc

This test will spew a lot of information, you may want to redirect output to a file to capture it in case things don't behave as expected. Note that several of the tests will return errors (they're actually testing error handling).

In addition, a simple remote console application "" is included which can be used to test the remote console interface. Be advised that remote console requires the following to be setup on the DBMS:

  • a database named CONSOLE
  • NULL MACRO's with the same name as the console applications to be run must be created in the CONSOLE database
  • EXECUTE privilege on the NULL MACRO's must be granted to users to allow them to run the associated applications.

To run the

java console <hostname> <user-id> <password> <console-app-name>


java console dbc darnold sde356yu DBSCONTROL

Connection URL

The format of the URL used during connection is

  • host is the hostname or IP address of the DBMS. NOTE: As of release 1.30, TdRedux supports the xxxCOPn random selection translation (e.g., dbc => dbccop1, dbccop2, etc.). The algorithm used to resolve the hostname is as follows:
    1. If the hostname as given can be resolved, it will be used as is.
    2. If the hostname does not exist in TdRedux's internal hostname cache, TdRedux will sequentially attempt to resolve the hostname with COP numbers starting from 1, until the hostname fails to be resolved. If no COP numbers match, an exception is thrown; otherwise, the hostname and its maximum resolved host number is saved in an internal cache for quick lookup for subsequent connections. Note that this process can induce significant delays during the first connection attempt.
    3. If the hostname exists in the internal hostname cache, TdRedux will randomly choose a COP number between 1 and the maximum number from the cache, and append the "COPn" to the supplied hostname.
    4. If a modified hostname is used, and the connection attempt fails, TdRedux will cycle through the range of COP numbers, retrying the connection up to 3 times.

    For small, single connection applications, using the full hostname (e.g., dbccop1), or DNS bind for round-robin selection, will avoid the initial connection delay.

  • port is the TCP port to connect to. If not specified the default is 1025.
  • options may be any of
    • user=name[;password=string][;account=string]]
      specifies logon username, password and optional account string; this information may also be supplied directly by the DriverManager.getConnection(Url, User, Password) method.
    • partition={ DBC/SQL | SQL | FASTLOAD | EXPORT | MONITOR }
      specifies the session partition; default is DBC/SQL.
    • lsn=value
      the integer LSN to use for the connection. If set to zero, an LSN is allocated; otherwise the session is associated with the specified LSN. The default is no LSN processing.
    • sessmode={ ANSI | Teradata | DEFAULT }
      specifies the session mode; if not given, or specified as DEFAULT, the target DBMS default is used. Note that only DBC/SQL partitions that neither allocate, nor associate with, an LSN are permitted to use ANSI mode.
    • debug[=logfile]
      causes parcel stream traffic for the connection to be logged to the DriverManager logwriter.
      • If a logfile is specfied, the DriverManager logWriter will be set to the specified filename.
      • If no logfile is specified and the DriverManager does not currently have a valid logWriter, the DriverManager is set to the file "tdredux.log" in the current working directory.
      • SecurityExceptions may be thrown if the application does not have appropriate permissions.
      NOTE: logging can be enabled and disabled internally via the tdrdxEnableLogging() and tdrdxDisableLogging() Connection methods.
    • buffersize=integer
      sets the default response buffer size, in kilobytes. The default is the maximum, i.e., 64; however, some environments may wish to limit resource usage (e.g., application servers for large user communities). Must be between 1 and 64, inclusive.
    • database=name
      sets the default database when the session logs on. Default is user's default database.
    • query_timeout=seconds
      sets the default query timeout to some number of seconds. Default is no timeout. Note thatStatement.setQueryTimeout() overrides this value for the statement it is applied to.

Connection Properties

The various connection options listed above may be set using the alternateDriverManager.getConnection(String url, Properties info) interface. In that case, the following (case sensitive) properties are supported in the Properties parameter:

  • PORT - the TCP/IP port to use for the database server connection
  • DBNAME - the name of the database to be set as the default
  • user - the connection username
  • password - the connection password
  • account - the connection account string
  • QUERY_TIMEOUT - the default query timeout
  • MLJOBS - the number of jobs to be processed during a Multiload operation
  • Partition - the session partition for the connection (e.g., "DBC/SQL", "EXPORT", etc.)
  • LSN - the LSN to be assigned to the session; if zero, then causes an LSN to be allocated
  • SESSMODE - the session mode, any of "ANSI", "TERADATA", or "DEFAULT"
  • DEBUG - enables the diagnostic logging
  • BUFFERSIZE - sets the initial response buffersize, in kilobytes
  • metaData - sets the scope of information returned by DatabaseMetaData objects; can be either full or restricted (the default). full uses the base data dictionary views, e.g., DBC.TABLES, whereas restricted uses the user-visible version of those views, e.g., DBC.TABLESX.

The complete description can be queried at runtime using the Driver.getPropertyInfo() method.


SQLExceptions may be thrown due to any of

  • network connection failure
  • DBMS reporting errors or failures
  • invalid parameter usage or method calls
  • query timeout, or thread interruption during query processing
  • calling an unimplemented method.
For errors, failures, and warnings reported by the DBMS, TdRedux uses the SQLSTATE code mapping described in Appendix D of Teradata RDBMS SQL Reference Volume 6: Data Manipulation Statements (V2R4.0); any DBMS error codes not listed in that table return a SQLSTATE starting with "T", followed by the actual DBMS error code. Internal driver errors return a vendor code of -1, and use one of the following SQLSTATE values:
  • S1000 - generic error
  • S1009 - the parameters or method call sequences were not valid.
  • S1C00 - the method is not implemented, or the requested operation is not supported
  • S1T00 - the query processing has either timed out, or was interrupted by another thread
  • 08001 - unable to connect to the database
  • 08S01 - the network connection has failed.
  • 42000 - invalid method call sequences.

Prerequisite Software

TdRedux requires the following prerequisite software:

  • Java JDK 1.2 or higher

NOTE:As of release 1.39, TdRedux no longer requires the Jakarta ORO package to be separately downloaded and installed. A modified version of the package is now included in the TdRedux JAR, per the terms of the Apache License (a copy of the license is included in the TdRedux bundle). However, the package name has been modified in order to overcome issues with various application servers (most notably, IBM WebSphere) which use functionally-limited or antiquated versions of the ORO package, and thus cause irreparable classpath conflicts with any separately installed version. Also note that this change requires a change in the WebSphere JDBC Provider template (also included in this bundle).

The following examples are taken from the TdRdxTest application which accompanies the release package.


Typical Usage Example

Review the various tests contained in

Summary Rows Usage Example

        try {
rs = (com.presicient.tdredux.ResultSet)stmt.executeQuery(
"select col11, col2, col9 from alltypetst with avg(col2), avg(col9) by col11 with sum(col2)");
rsmd = (com.presicient.tdredux.ResultSetMetaData)rs.getMetaData();
while ( {
int sumrow = rs.tdrdxGetSummaryRowNumber();
if (sumrow == 0)
int i = rsmd.tdrdxGetFirstSummaryColumn(sumrow);
int colcnt = rsmd.tdrdxGetSummaryColumnCount(sumrow);
for (int j = 0; j < colcnt; i++, j++) {
System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + "(" +
rsmd.getColumnLabel(i) + ") align to " +
rsmd.tdrdxGetAlignmentColumn(i) + ":");
switch (rsmd.getColumnType(i)) {
case Types.INTEGER:

case Types.SMALLINT:

case Types.TINYINT:

case Types.DOUBLE:

case Types.CHAR:

case Types.VARCHAR:

case Types.DECIMAL:

case Types.DATE:

System.out.println("Unknown type");
catch (java.sql.SQLException SqlEx) {
System.out.println("SQLException: " + SqlEx.getMessage());

FASTLOAD Usage Example

Detailed instructions for using Fastload via TdRedux.

MLOAD Usage Example

Detailed instructions for using Multiload via TdRedux.

FASTEXPORT Usage Example

Detailed instructions for using Fastexport via TdRedux.

MONITOR Usage Example

Review the montest() method in
NOTE:Teradata® V2R4.1 and V2R5.0 appear to have issues with MONITOR SESSION for a specific username and/or session number.

Remote Console Usage Example

Review the application.
FYI: Remote Console is the interface used for various administrative utilities, e.g., DBSCONTROL, GTWGLOBAL, SHOWLOCKS, etc.

Implementation Notes


  • Numerous DatabaseMetaData methods cause queries against the System data dictionary views. If these views are protected in some way, SQLExceptions may be thrown.
  • Metadata queries are executed on the associated Connection. As of Release 0.9, other pending SQL operations on the Connection are no longer implicitly cancel()'d; however, they are subject to the limit on the number of open requests per session (currently 16).
  • Remember to explicitly close() any ResultSet objects returned by DatabaseMetaData methods when finished with them!
  • The SQL queries used are listed in an included file, "metadata.sql". Please review if you have questions about how the metadata is collected.
  • Some fields defined by the JDBC DatabaseMetaData methods have no corresponding construct in Teradata's data dictionary. Esp. note that the KEY_SEQ fields in thegetImportedKeys(), getExportedKeys(), and getCrossReference() methods are returned as zero; the ResultSets returned by those methods are sorted on the key column names instead.
  • getTypeInfo() returns the following information:

    All types return the same value for the following fields:

    Field Value
    NULLABLE java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.typeNullable
    SEARCHABLE java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.typeSearchable
  The remaining fields return the following values for the respective types: <!-- TYPE_NAME DATA_TYPE PRECISION LITERAL_PREFIX LITERAL_SUFFIX CREATE_PARAMS FIXED_PREC_SCALE MAXIMUM_SCALE ---->
BYTE java.sql.Types.BINARY 64000 NULL NULL "maxlength" false 0
BYTEINT java.sql.Types.TINYINT 4 NULL NULL null false 0
CHAR java.sql.Types.CHAR 64000 ' ' "maxlength" false 0
CHARACTER java.sql.Types.CHAR 64000 ' ' "maxlength" false 0
CHAR VARYING java.sql.Types.VARCHAR 64000 ' ' "maxlength" false 0
CHARACTER VARYING java.sql.Types.VARCHAR 64000 ' ' "maxlength" false 0
DATE java.sql.Types.DATE 19 NULL NULL null false 0
DECIMAL java.sql.Types.DECIMAL 18 NULL NULL "precision, scale" true 18
DEC java.sql.Types.DECIMAL 18 NULL NULL "precision, scale" true 18
DOUBLE PRECISION java.sql.Types.DOUBLE 18 NULL NULL null false 0
FLOAT java.sql.Types.DOUBLE 18 NULL NULL null false 0
INTEGER java.sql.Types.INTEGER 10 NULL NULL null false 0
INT java.sql.Types.INTEGER 10 NULL NULL null false 0
INTERVAL YEAR java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL MONTH java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL DAY java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision, fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
INTERVAL HOUR java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision, fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
INTERVAL MINUTE java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision" false 0
INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "precision, fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
INTERVAL SECOND java.sql.Types.OTHER 4 NULL NULL "fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
LONGVARCHAR java.sql.Types.VARCHAR 64000 ' ' null false 0
NUMERIC java.sql.Types.DECIMAL 18 NULL NULL "precision, scale" true 18
REAL java.sql.Types.DOUBLE 18 NULL NULL null false 0
SMALLINT java.sql.Types.SMALLINT 6 NULL NULL null false 0
TIME java.sql.Types.TIME 6 NULL NULL "fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
TIME WITH TIMEZONE java.sql.Types.TIME 6 NULL NULL "fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
TIMESTAMP java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP 6 NULL NULL "fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP 6 NULL NULL "fractional_seconds_precision" false 0
VARCHAR java.sql.Types.VARCHAR 64000 NULL NULL "maxlength" false 0
VARBYTE java.sql.Types.VARBINARY 64000 NULL NULL "maxlength" false 0
  Some of these values may seem odd, but e.g., PRECISION has different meanings for different types. I've tried to base the values on the appropriate sections of the Teradata SQL Data Types Manual.
  • Additionally, CallableStatement objects use DatabaseMetaData objects internally to map stored procedure IN, OUT, and INOUT parameter positions to the input and output field positions reported when a CALL statement is prepared. Therefore, the user calling the stored procedure needs access to the associated metadata.


    • A session will be set to ANSI mode under the following conditions:
      1. The connection is for a DBC/SQL session that does NOT allocate or associate with an LSN AND
      2. The DBMS defines ANSI as the default mode and the connection URL omits the sessmode option OR
      3. The connection URL includes the ";sessmode=ANSI" option
      The ";sessmode=ANSI" URL option will be ignored for non-SQL sessions, or sessions which use an LSN.
    • Remember that a statement failure does NOT terminate a transaction in ANSI mode. TdRedux will raise SQLExceptions whenever it receives a failure or error indication from the DBMS; the application may choose to rollback() immediately, or may continue to process ResultSets (possibly receiving further SQLExceptions).


    • CallableStatements are now supported. My previous assertion that CALL statements could be safely executed via Statement.executeQuery() or PreparedStatement.execute() was incorrect due to changes in the PREPARE phase to support stored procedures.
    • Stored procedures should ONLY be executed via the CallableStatement class, due to the PREPARE changes.
    • Be aware that CallableStatement must refer to database metadata in order to completely differentiate between IN and INOUT arguments. Therefore, users of applications which invoke stored procedures must have access to the metadata views (specifically, the DBC.TablesX and ColumnsX views), and the PREPARE phase may be more time-consuming than for other SQL statements.
    • Refer to the Getting Started With the JDBC API document for details of argument handling. In brief, arguments are specified as either literals or placeholders, and the columnIndex passed to the getXXX() methods map to the associated placeholder position. E.g., assume the following procedure definition:
      CREATE PROCEDURE proc1(OUT arg1 INT, IN arg2 FLOAT, INOUT arg3 CHAR(20)) ...
      and the following CALL of that procdure:
      CALL proc1(?, ?, ?)
      The OUT parameter arg1 is registered and retrieved with a parameter index of 1, the IN parameter arg2 is set with a parameter index of 2, and the INOUT parameter arg3 is set, registered, and retrieved with a parameter index of 3. An attempt to execute a "getXXX()" against columnIndex 2 will raise an exception.
    • USING clauses are not supported with CALL statements.
    • The executeQuery() method should not be used with CallableStatement objects, since Teradata stored procedures do not return result sets, just OUT and INOUT argument values. The executeUpdate() or execute() method should be used instead.
    • I have not yet tested explicit CAST syntax, though I'm not certain that syntax is very useful in a JDBC context anyway.
    • At present, CREATE/REPLACE PROCEDURE statements are limited to about 64,000 bytes. A future release will add support for the Multi-TSR request to allow larger procedure definition.
    • When CREATE'ing/REPLACE'ing procedures, the console PRINT capability can be enabled or disabled by first calling the Statement.tdrdxSetSPLPrint(boolean) method with a true argument to enable, or false argument to disable, console printing of included PRINT statements. The current state of the PRINT flag can be checked via theStatement.tdrdxGetSPLPrint() method. The default value is false (i.e., PRINT'ing is disabled).
    • Likewise, when CREATE'ing/REPLACE'ing procedures, the saving of procedure source can be enabled or disabled by first calling the Statement.tdrdxSetSPLSave(boolean) method with a true argument to enable, or false argument to disable, the saving of the procedure source. The current state of the SAVE flag can be checked via theStatement.tdrdxGetSPLSave() method. The default value is true (i.e., source is saved).
    • The executeQuery() method should be used for CREATE/REPLACE PROCEDURE statements. In the event of compilation errors, a SQLWarning will be returned, and the errors can be fetched from the associated ResultSet.


    • Note that updatable cursors are only supported in ANSI mode, and are subject to the same restrictions listed in the Teradata SQL Reference Manuals.
    • Positioned operations require that AUTOCOMMIT be disabled.
    • Explicit cursor SQL syntax (e.g., "SELECT...FROM... FOR CURSOR", "UPDATE ... SET... WHERE CURRENT OF...") is not supported; instead, applications should use the relevant JDBC 2.0 cursor functions:
      1. To create an updatable cursor, the create/prepareStatement() method should be called with the resultSetConcurrency argument set to ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.
      2. Calling the executeQuery() method will open the cursor.
      3. To apply a positioned update, use the ResultSet.updateXXX() methods to set the various fields of the current row, then call ResultSet.updateRow() to apply the updates (Note that the application does not supply any SQL statement for the update).
      4. To apply a positioned delete, call ResultSet.deleteRow(). After deleteRow() is called, the current cursor row will be invalid until called.
      5. Rows may be inserted by moving to the "insert" row (ResultSet.moveToInsertRow()), calling the various ResultSet.updateXXX() methods to populate the row, and then calling ResultSet.insertRow() to apply the insert. The application can then return to the current cursor row by calling ResultSet.moveToCurrentRow().
    • Updates, deletes, and inserts applied in this fashion are only visible after the current transaction is committed.
    An example:
        try {
    java.sql.Statement cursor =
    java.sql.ResultSet cursorrs = cursor.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM alltypetest");
    while ( {
    int curcol1 = cursorrs.getInt(1);
    if (curcol1%3 == 0) {
    cursorrs.updateShort(2, (short)0);
    "dsgsfglkjty kjhtyejhyrjhtylkjrhtykerjhtykrjhtyklerjmiyt");
    if (curcol1%4 == 0) {
    if (curcol1%5 == 0) {
    cursorrs.updateInt("col1", curcol1 + 124000);
    cursorrs.updateShort("col2", (short)23);
    cursorrs.updateByte("col3", (byte)1);
    cursorrs.updateString(4, "wqeryyy");
    cursorrs.updateFloat(6, (float)1.2345);
    // leave everything else NULL
    catch (java.sql.SQLException SqlEx) {
    System.out.println("SQLException: " + SqlEx.getMessage());

    USING getBoolean()

    Teradata does not have a native boolean column type. As a convenience, a driver-specific ResultSet methods tdrdxSetBooleanMap(String trueValue) and tdrdxSetBooleanMap(int trueValue) are provided to allow an application to define any int or String value to be interpretted as 'true' when the returned column value equals any of the registered trueValues. NULL column values are always returned as 'false', and string-typed columns must match the case of the specified trueValue object. Note that the boolean map applies only to the ResultSet object on which it is called. E.g., to register the values 'TRUE', 'T', and 'YES' as true for a given ResultSet:
    com.presicient.tdredux.ResultSet rs = (com.presicient.tdredux)pstmt.executeQuery();

    Notes on Date and Timestamp Types

    • Using PreparedStatement.setDate() for a placeholder (as opposed to a USING clause parameter) will result in the provided value being converted to a VARCHAR string of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' for transfer to the DBMS.
    • Teradata currently has an issue with using placeholders that are compared with TIME or TIMESTAMP types within predicate clauses which causes an error to be generated when the statement is prepared. As of release 1.20, TdRedux attempts to suppress this error by
      1. silently discarding the ANSI Date/time error during prepareStatement()
      2. when the statement is executed, constructing a modified version of the statement to explicitly cast placeholders bound to TIME or TIMESTAMP values to their respective type (unless the placeholder is already explicitly cast), and re-preparing it.
      3. assuming the modified version is successfully prepared, the modified statement is then executed.
      Note that this process only works in ANSI mode, or in Teradata mode with autocommit set to true. In Teradata mode with autocommit turned off, the initial failure of the prepareStatement will cause transaction rollback, which must be reported to the application. To minimize any impacts to your applications, you should explicitly cast any TIME or TIMESTAMP placeholders, e.g.,WHERE timestamp_column < ?(timestamp(0)).... Also note that write-only placeholders (i.e., placeholders in the VALUES clause of an INSERT or the SET clause of an UPDATE) do not appear to have this issue, and so do not require the explicit cast.
    • As of release 1.20, TdRedux now supports the escaped version of date, time, and timestamp literals ( {d 'YYYY-MM-DD'}, {t 'HH:MM:SS'}, {ts 'YYYY-MM-SS HH:MM:SS.SSS'}).
    • As of release 1.20, TdRedux now provides support for the Calendarized version of get/setDate, get/setTime, and get/setTimestamp; however, these implementations should be considered experimental, and users are advised to fully analyze their use.
    • As of release 1.24, TdRedux provides array binding interfaces for the TIME and TIMESTAMP type (tdrdxBindTimeArray(),tdrdxBindTimestampArray())
    • TdRedux assumes INTEGERDATE format if a DATE parameter is specified via a USING clause. Be sure to force your session to INTEGERDATE via "SET SESSION DATEFORM=INTEGERDATE" if you intend to specify DATE parameters via USING clauses. Note that fastload sessions will inherit their DATEFORM from the associated control SQL session, so set the DATEFORM on the control session before attempting to fastload with a DATE parameter in the USING clause.

    Using PooledConnections

    • TdRedux will attempt to "clean up" Connections returned to a ConnectionPool by
      • closing any open statements
      • rolling back any open transaction
      • restoring AutoCommit to true

      However, applications should explicitly close their Statement objects, and either commit or rollback any open transactions prior to closing a pooled connection.

    • Various Teradata session commands (SET SESSION DATEFORM, SET SESSION ACCOUNT, SET TIME ZONE, DATABASE, etc.) can leave a pooled connection in an unknown operational mode. Applications should either
      • never use those commands
      • always restore the session state to a known, predefined state

      TdRedux may provide the ability to block such commands in a future release.

    • While TdRedux can detect database restarts, and other "soft" network failures, the ability to detect "hard" network failures (e.g., network switch or router failures, or a hard restart of the database platform) is only available on platforms which are running JVM 1.3 or greater, as Java did not provide the ability to enable TCP/IP's KEEPALIVE capability until JVM 1.3. If your network is subject to frequent hard failures, and you are still running on JVM 1.2, you may want to consider upgrading to JVM 1.3.

      In addition, since Java's setKeepAlive() interface uses the simple BSD form (i.e., either enable or disable KEEPALIVE, rather than specify the actual KEEPALIVE intervals), the length of time required to detect a network failure is dependent on the hosting platform's default KEEPALIVE settings. You may need to tune those settings in order for network failures to be detected in an acceptable amount of time.

    • releases of TdRedux prior to 1.10 allowed applications to reuse Statement (and PreparedStatement and CallableStatement) objects after they had been explcitly close()'d. In support of PooledConnections, this JDBC non-conformance has been corrected. Unfortunately, if your application had inadvertantly been reusing Statements after they had been closed, your application may break when using this release.


    • As of release 1.20, TdRedux has been formally tested as a Java application on Windows 2000, Mac OS X, Red Hat Linux 7.3, and Solaris 8.0. Other users have reported success on RS6000/AIX, and OS/390 platforms.
    • TdRedux uses only Java-independent data types; this appears to Teradata as a Sun/HP/IBM/iMac type workstation.
    • When exporting data from a TdRedux application, be aware that the data is also in Java platform-independent format.
    • The array binding interfaces should be considered deprecated as of release 1.20. and may be removed in a future release, to be superceded by the standard Batch execution interface.
    • Be aware that the Statement.cancel() method may have no impact if the DBMS has completed processing the statement, and that result sets may continue to return some rows after the cancel() is issued. In addition, the cancel() may take a significant time to complete, in the event the DBMS must rollback a significant amount of work for the overall transaction.
    • FASTEXPORT support has only been tested on simple queries (e.g., SELECT * FROM table).
    • When a query times out (i.e., the period defined by Statement.setQueryTimeout() is exceeded), it is automatically cancel()'ed, which may take a significant time to complete depending on query complexity. In addition, in Teradata session mode, the timeout will result in implicit transaction rollback.
    • Applications load the driver by either:
      • explicitly calling Class.forname("com.presicient.tdredux.Driver") within their application before calling DriverManager.getConnection(my_url)
      • editting their .hotjava/properties file and adding "com.presicient.tdredux.Driver" to the jdbc.drivers property list, e.g.;
      • configuring a DataSource or ConnectionPoolDataSource in their environment.
    • "Batches" have not been thoroughly tested, and are only supported for non-parameterized statements (i.e., only Statement objects).
    • Remember to explicitly close() ResultSet, Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement objects when finished with them. Failure to do so may lead to apparent memory leaks as internal buffers and contexts accumulate. TdRedux attempts to clean up internal buffers in certain circumstances to avoid such memory leaks, but the application must ultimately determine when resources are no longer needed.
    • If a response message from the DBMS exceeds the connection URL buffersize, TdRedux will expand the buffersize as needed. Note that the process of buffer expansion can severely impact performance due to the additional message interchanges required between client and server. Be sure to tune your buffersize appropriately, or use the default (maximum) size.
    • As of release 1.20, TdRedux has been tested against both the Sun JDBC Conformance Test Suite 1.2.1, and the IBM WebSphere Self Test Conformance test suite.


    • Release 8.01
      • added support for V2R5.1.1,5.1.2,6.0 logon encryption
      • improved logonsource information
    • Release 1.42
      • fix for CallableStatement activity peek
      • Release 1.41
      • added V2R5.1 encrypted logon support
    • Release 1.40
      • added ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxGetRowCount() to return the number of rows returned by a ResultSet
      • added ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxGetActivity() to return the name of the activity associated with a ResultSet
      • added support for Statement properties, via Statement.tdrdxSetProperty(), Statement.tdrdxGetProperty(), Statement.tdrdxRemoveProperty(), Statement.tdrdxTestProperty()
      • added support for formatted ResultSets
    • Release 1.39
      • Jakarta ORO is now included in TdRedux package, with modified package name, in order to avoid classpath conflicts with various application servers (most notably, IBM WebSphere). Please review APACHE-ORO-LICENSE file for Apache license conditions.
    • Release 1.38
      • fixed IO.closeResultSet() when closing due to exceeding maxRows (caused bad query timeout value)
    • Release 1.37
      • fixed Statement.setMaxFieldSize() to support a param value of zero (which translates to "max" size)
    • Release 1.36
      • added metaData connection property
    • Release 1.35
      • fix for ResultSet.getDate() when returned integer date value is negative
    • Release 1.34
      • fixed Account string append in DataSource.getUrl()
      • fix for TIME/TIMESTAMP placeholder bindings that don't match default format
    • Release 1.33
      • fixed for multiplexing requests on single Connection
    • Release 1.32
      • fixed DataSource to properly set account string property
      • modified Connection.getTypeMap() to return null rather than throw exception
    • Release 1.31
      • fixed MONITOR SESSION input parameter order (due to bug in Teradata PM API docs)
    • Release 1.30
      • added support for COPn hostname resolution
      • corrected the removal of strings and comments
      • corrected USING clause parse for names that include NOT keyword
      • converted string/comment removal from ORO to native java
      • V2R5 metadata updates
      • V2R5 PM API updates
      • V2R5 large SQL support
      • optimize I/O object partition testing
      • added com.presicient.tdredux.Connection.tdrdxGetHostID() function
      • fixed potential deadlock in diagnostic dump processing
    • Release 1.29
      • added support for ERRORLIMIT for FASTLOAD,MLOAD
    • Release 1.28
      • added support for MLOAD
      • V2R5.0 compatibility testing

    • Release 1.27
      • fix for CallableStatement with only OUT parameters
    • Release 1.26
      • fixed USING w/ TIMESTAMP w/ subsec precision < 3
      • removed logtable updates for fastexport test
      • forced session dateform to integerdate for fastload test
    • Release 1.25
      • fixed USING w/ TIME/TIMESTAMP values
    • Release 1.24
      • improved error reporting when exception thrown during logon
      • fixed PreparedStatement.tdrdxBindDateArray()
      • added PreparedStatement.tdrdxBindTimeArray(), PreparedStatement.tdrdxBindTimestampArray()
      • added Remote Console support, inlc. ResultSetMetaData.tdrdxConsolePrompt()
    • Release 1.23
      • added global query timeout parameter to Connection URL
    • Release 1.22
      • closed timing window which caused ineffective cancel() against Statement objects from another thread
      • improved exception info thrown from query timeout
    • Release 1.21
      • added TRIM() to all CHAR columns returned from data dictionary queries in DatabaseMetaData class to improve interoperability w/ some 3rd party tools (e.g., Database Pilot in JBuilder 8)
      • fixed ANSI mode issue w/ reusing PreparedStatement objects which previously raised non-fatal errors (e.g., truncation) and left the assoc. ResultSet object(s) in an indeterminate state, cause subsequent uses of the PreparedStatement to return wo/ fetching results
      • fixed network socket issue to capture all exceptions caused by connection failure
      • fixed occasional spurious IndexOutOfBounds exception due to invalid request activity code returned from DBMS
    • Release 1.20 Numerous changes to improve JDBC 2.0 conformance via the JDBC CTS:
      • fixed set/getBigDecimal() to use proper scale factor
      • fixed Statement and PreparedStatement handling of execute()/getUpdateCount()/getMoreResults() to conform to std.
      • fixed numerous Statement.setXXX capability methods to throw exceptions whne invalid values were supplied (setFetchSize, setFetchDirection, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setQueryTimeout)
      • fixed PreparedStatement constructor to throw exception on ANSI Date/Time error when inside transaction in Teradata mode (In Teradata mode, failure on PREPARE causes transaction rollback; hence, the fix to ignore the ANSI date/time error and re-prepare after parameters are bound will not work in that specific case)
      • fix DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogs to throw NotImplemented
      • fixed the SQL used for DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() to avoid Database numeric overflow error.
      • fixed getResultSetType() to return correct value
      • fixed PreparedStatement.clearParameters() to function properly; After first created, or after clearParameters() is called, any attempt to execute a statement with placeholders will throw an exception if all placeholders have not been explicitly set.
      • fixed DatabaseMetaData.supportsBatchUpdates() to return false
      • added support for the date, time and timestamp literals escape syntax ({d 'YYYY-MM-DD'}, {t 'HH:MM:SS'}, {ts 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSS'})
      • fixed getTime() to properly trim subseconds before conversion
      • fixed getDriverVersion(), getURL(), nullsAreSupported(), and supportsStoredProcedures() in DatabaseMetaData to return correct values
      • improved error reporting when error is returned during attempt to connect (esp. "All virtual circuits are in use")
      • fixed CHAR/VARCHAR to number conversions (eg, getInt() on a CHAR column) to trim whitespace before conversion
      • fixed character set problem with diagnostic parcel stream logging
      • suppress exception when commit() is called while autoCommit=true (WebSphere self-test requirement)
      • suppress exception to Failure 3514 when rollback in Teradata mode
    • Changes in TdRedux 1.19 in support of WebSphere 4.0:
      • add support for " FOR UPDATE" cursor syntax
      • suppress exception for setTransactionIsolation() because WebSphere doesn't check DatabaseMetaData for supported isolations
      • add setSessmode() methods because WebSphere cheats when using the DataSourceFactory; instead of using an empty Reference to determine which properties are supported, is requires each method to have a matching setXxxxx() method
      • modified close/cancel of updatable cursors to issue CANCEL when assoc. resultset is closed.
      • added description, networkProtocol, roleName DataSource properties
      • fix for setNull() for Types.DATE types
      • fix misparse of DATE from string when fetching or inserting data in ANSI session mode
      • Calendarized set/getTimestamp/Time/Date() (experimental)
      • get/setBinary/Ascii/CharacterStream() (experimental)
    • Changes in TdRedux 1.18:
      • updated PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(), PreparedStatement.setTime() to support placeholders which have not been explicitly cast as TIMESTAMP or TIME type. Note that this capability does incur some add'l overhead during statement execution to properly update the SQL sent to the DBMS based on the type and precision of the value bound to the placeholder, so explicitly casting the placeholders in your SQL for such fields is more optimal.
      • fixed event notification to properly generate SQLException error msg and SQLSTATE (previously were swapped)
      • improved/clarified error msg returned by Connection.setTransactionIsolation() when other than TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE was specified; msg is now.
      • modified TdRdxConnectionPoolWrapper to properly report instances when the underlying physical connection was closed (eg, by a loss of network connection)
      • fixed "database=" URL property in ANSI mode to properly commit() upon completion of DATABASE stmt
      • changed source of database version and release information
    • Release 1.14
      • fix protocol error on commit() before ResultSet.close()
    • Release 1.13
      • fix PreparedStatement.clearParameters() when no params defined
      • fix PreparedStatement.setXXX() parameter binding when no params defined
    • Release 1.12
      • fix diagnostic logging
      • fix early ResultSet.close()
    • Release 1.10
      • Support for javax.sql extensions:
        • DataSource
        • ConnectionPoolDataSource
        • PooledConnection
        • ConnectionEvent, ConnectionEventListener
      • fix PreparedStatement.setDate()
      • fix setTransactionIsolation()
      • fix BUFFERSIZE=64 overflow in connection URL
      • fix explicit port specification in connection URL
    • Release 1.05
      • fix DatabaseMetadata.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers(), storesMixedCaseIdentifiers()
      • fix null pattern arguments in various DatabaseMetadata methods
    • Release 1.03
      • corrected Statement regression introduced in 1.02
    • Release 1.02
      • fix for PreparedStatement reuse
      • optimize Statement.executeUpdate() to skip prepare step
      • PM API updates for V2R4.1
      • metadata updates for V2R4.1
    • Release 1.01
      • fix for DATE type conversion
    • Release 1.00
      • First general availability release.
      • removed explicit DriverManager logWriter dependency
      • fixed large response buffer expansion

    TO DO

    The following list includes features under consideration for future releases.
    • performance tuning
    • javadocs
    • Reconnection
    • quoted identifiers
    • JDBC 3.0 updates
    • JDK 1.4 updates
    • full escape clause syntax support
    • Teradata V2R5.1 LOBs, UDF creation


    Copyright© 2001-2009, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved.

    Teradata® is a registered trademark of Teradata Corporation.
    WebSphere® is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.