The new performance standard for analytic databases...


Visual Integrated Development Environment for
Teradata® Scripts, Stored Procedures, and Macros

Preview of User Interface and Feature Enhancements

Note: Presicient has discontinued development of Teraforge and all other Teradata-related products. Contact us for any questions related to Teradata products.

Based on feedback from TeraForge beta users, we're making major enhancements to the TeraForge UI, as well as adding several new features. While we're nearly ready to debut these enhancements, there are still a few final touchups needed for some features, and much testing yet to be completed.

In the meantime, you can preview the fruits of our efforts in the screenshots provided here. Please feel free to offer suggestions for user interface enhancements, or new feature requests, at

Mouse over this image for brief feature descriptions.

As part of the UI upgrade, we've eliminated most of the "dangling dialogs", replacing them with a Project Pane and a Runtime Pane, each of which is a notebook containing several features. This change will help keep the features you need constrained to the same "sandbox", so you won't have to wander around your screen trying to find the dialog you need.

Project Pane

We've added a Project Wizard to simplify creation of projects:

The wizard will dialog you for connection information, then for a project filename, then for components to add to the project, and finally will provide a project summary for your review before finalizing the project. You can move back and forth through the wizard sequence using the < Back and Next > navigation buttons.

Once you've created a project, you can view and update it using the Project Management page:

You can drag and drop components into the project from either the Schema Browser, or from an external Windows® Explorer dialog.

Once you've loaded a project, you can view and edit the source in the Source Notebook


We've added syntax highlighting to improve the readability of script, macro, and procedure source code.

Ad hoc query execution is now a part of the Project Pane:

Note that this screenshot illustrates the improved context sensitive help system.

You can drag and drop items into the query page from the Schema Browser, load prior queries from the query history drop-down box, and save the output of queries to either Excel® or VARTEXT formatted files. Long running queries can be monitored from the Monitor Page, or cancelled by the Toolbar Cancel button.

We've added a SchemaSearch page to the Project Pane:

When you can't quite recall the name of that table, view, or procedure you need to add to your project, SchemaSearch provides a simple method for specifying as much of the name as you can recall, including using regular expressions. After you've entered your search criteria, TeraForge searched the data dictionary for matching database objects, displaying the matching objects in the bottom pane. You can then either click on an entry to open its node in the SchemaBrowser, or copy the entry to the clipboard to paste it into your project or component source code.

The Chart Query page will provide the ability to compose queries for charting via the DBIx::Chart Perl module:

As you can see, we're still working out the details.

When completed, you'll be able to produce either static chart images, or Perl code to regenerate the chart from your database, suitable for use in, e.g., web server CGI or Apache mod_perl applications.

We're also developing a SchemaMerge feature to simplify copying and merging tables between databases. Details of this feature will be available in the near future.

Runtime Pane

The Runtime Pane contains features relevant to the runtime environment of a project.

The StackView dialog has been moved into the Runtime Pane:

Likewise, the Query Monitor dialog has been moved into the Runtime Pane:

Current project breakpoints can now be viewed in the Breakpoint Page:

Finally, any shell variables used by a heredoc in the project can be viewed, defined, and editted in the Shell Variables Page:

Toolbar Updates

The toolbar has been simplified to remove buttons for functions which are now directly available in either the Project Pane or the Runtime Pane. In addition, the button icon sizes have been reduced to preserve screen space for project and runtime features.

Menu Updates

The View menu has been updated to provide settings for
  • additional fonts
  • syntax highlighting colors
  • changing the syntax highlight timer
  • changing the size of tabs in text features of the UI

The syntax highlighting colors applied to different source code items can be modified using the Syntax Highlight Dialog:

The Help system has been significantly upgraded. In most of the UI feature pages, you'll see the context-sensitive help button . Clicking this button will display a small help text dialog describing the features of the associated feature page.

In addition, we've included links from the Help menu to the User Guide and Tutorial documents, which will be opened in your current default browser.

The next beta version of TeraForge, containing all these updates, plus numerous functional enhancements, is scheduled to be released May 1, 2005.

We hope you find these improvements as useful as we have; if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to send them to

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Teradata® is a registered trademark of Teradata Corporation.